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July 15, 2024
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

Cybersecurity Tips for Companies with Remote Workers

Companies in the digital era must account for rising risk levels related to cybersecurity, hacking and potential data breaches. As more businesses move various parts of their operations online, such as video chat software and cloud servers, leaders and risk management professionals must be aware of how these changes may impact their risk profile. This […]
May 27, 2024
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

Information Security and Privacy Insurance in San Mateo, CA 

The digital era is upon us and the onus is now on businesses to adapt or potentially fall behind. However, introducing and implementing technology into your workplace is not a simple process. You must vet these new programs and advancements to ensure you can manage possible risks and exposures that may be introduced or exacerbated. […]
April 17, 2024
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

D&O Liability Insurance in the Tech Industry 

In the fast-paced technology industry, where innovation is both a driving force and a battleground, directors and officers often face unique challenges. From navigating complex regulatory landscapes to managing shareholder expectations, the responsibilities of decision-makers can be daunting. Amid this dynamic environment, directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance emerges as a critical financial safeguard. What […]
February 8, 2024
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

Why Your Company Should Be Offering Benefits 

In the ever-evolving landscape of the corporate world, businesses are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that employee benefits play in shaping a thriving workplace. Beyond just a competitive salary, companies are now emphasizing the importance of comprehensive benefits packages, as such offerings can help employers garner many advantages. What Are Employee Benefits? Employee benefits encompass […]
December 29, 2023
Silicon Valley Risk & Insurance Services

What Are the Top Cyber Risks for Businesses?

In an era where technological advancements have revolutionized the business landscape, the prevalence of cyber risks looms as an ever-present threat to organizations of all sizes. As businesses increasingly rely on digital platforms to streamline operations and interact with customers, the need for robust cybersecurity measures becomes paramount. What Cyber Risks Should My Business Be […]
July 15, 2022

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing an insurance policy to protect you and your loved ones for years to come. With a vast knowledge of our many carriers, we are equipped to shop for the best policy to suit your needs. Our job is to help you navigate […]
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